Documentation / Gemini 330 series /
Frame metadate

Frame metadate

Frame metadata is a set of parameters (or attributes) that provide a snapshot of the sensor configuration and/or system state present during the frame’s generation. The attributes are recalculated and updated on per-frame basis. Orbbec SDK supports querying a set predefined attributes as part of the frame data available to the end-user.




Orbbec SDK introduces two functions into its public API to query metadata:


 * @brief check if the frame contains the specified metadata
 * @param[in] frame frame object
 * @param[in] type metadata type, refer to @ref ob_frame_metadata_type
 * @param[out] error Log error messages
bool ob_frame_has_metadata(ob_frame *frame, ob_frame_metadata_type type, ob_error **error);

 * @brief Get the metadata value of the frame
 * @param[in] frame frame object
 * @param[in] type  metadata type, refer to @ref ob_frame_metadata_type
 * @param[out] error Log error messages
 * @return int64_t return the metadata value of the frame
int64_t ob_frame_get_metadata_value(ob_frame *frame, ob_frame_metadata_type type, ob_error **error);


// Member functions of class ob::Frame

* @brief Check if the frame object has metadata of a given type.
* @param type The metadata type. refer to @ref OBFrameMetadataType
* @return bool The result.
bool hasMetadata(OBFrameMetadataType type);

* @brief Get the metadata value
* @param type The metadata type. refer to @ref OBFrameMetadataType
* @return int64_t The metadata value.
int64_t getMetadataValue(OBFrameMetadataType type);




The envisaged mode of querying metadata attribute is check-then-query

const char *metaDataTypes[] = { "TIMESTAMP", "SENSOR_TIMESTAMP","FRAME_NUMBER",
                                "AUTO_EXPOSURE", "EXPOSURE", "GAIN",
                                "AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE", "WHITE_BALANCE", "BRIGHTNESS",
                                "CONTRAST", "SATURATION", "SHARPNESS",
                                "BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION", "HUE", "GAMMA",
                                "ACTUAL_FRAME_RATE", "FRAME_RATE",  "AE_ROI_LEFT",
                                "AE_ROI_TOP",  "AE_ROI_RIGHT", "AE_ROI_BOTTOM",
                                "EXPOSURE_PRIORITY", "HDR_SEQUENCE_NAME", "HDR_SEQUENCE_SIZE",
                                "HDR_SEQUENCE_INDEX", "LASER_POWER", "LASER_POWER_MODE",
                                "EMITTER_MODE", "GPIO_INPUT_DATA" };
ob::Pipeline pipe;

auto frameSet = pipe.waitForFrames(100);
auto colorFrame = frameSet->ColorFrame();
for(int metaDataType = 0; metaDataType < OB_FRAME_METADATA_TYPE_COUNT; metaDataType++) {
     // Check if it is supported metaDataType for current frame
    if(colorFrame->hasMetadata((OBFrameMetadataType)metaDataType)) {
       // Get the value of the metadata
       auto value = colorFrame->getMetadataValue((OBFrameMetadataType)metaDataType)
       std::cout << metaDataTypes[metaDataType] << ": " << value << std::endl;
    else {
        std::cout << metaDataTypes[metaDataType] << ": " << "unsupported" << std::endl;



Display Frame Metadata in OrbbecViewer



OS support

Windows OS – Metadata extraction is supported by Microsoft starting with Windows10. Check Windows installation guide for details.

Other OS – We use libuvc/libusb as the default backend, which does not require any operation to enable metadata support.



Devices support

Currently, only the Orbbec Gemini 300 series supports those APIs.

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