Brief Introduction
Gemini 330 series 3D camera usually contains depth camera and color camera and IMU. Those sensors collect information and output it as streams.
In order to characterize the positional relationship better, Orbbec Gemini 330 series define 3D camera coordinate system. The coordinate system of a 3D camera typically contains Depth coordinate system & Color coordinate system & IMU coordinate system.
System Cooridnate
Every coordinates usually consists of three components:
- origin: Depth coordinate system’s origin locates at the optical center of the Left IR camera lens. Color coordinate system’s origin locates at the optical center of the Color camera lens. IMU coordinate system’s origin locates at the physical center of the IMU.
- category: meeting the definition of right-hand coordinate system. The positive direction of the X-axis is to the right. The positive direction of the Y-axis is to the down. The positive direction of the Z-axis is to the forward. The X, Y, and Z axes are red, green, and blue respectively.
Picture 2-1 Right-hand coordinate system
- unit: Default unit is millimeter.
Gemini 330 series System Cooridnate
Gemini 330 series coordinate system reference picture is shown as below.
Picture 3-1 Coordinate system schematic diagram
The relative position relationship of the coordinate systems origin are as follows.
Table 3-1 Relative position of coordinate systems for Gemini 335/336
relative position | X(mm) | Y(mm) | Z(mm) |
Origin of Depth coordinate system | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Origin of Color coordinate system | 14.00 | 0 | 2.02 |
Origin of IMU coordinate system | -0.246 | -0.065 | -16.948 |
Table 3-2 Relative position of coordinate systems for Gemini 335L/336L
relative position | X(mm) | Y(mm) | Z(mm) |
Origin of Depth coordinate system | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Origin of Color coordinate system | 23.75 | 0 | 0 |
Origin of IMU coordinate system | 7.866 | 1.068 | -14.248 |