Documentation / Gemini 330 series /
C++ Sample Hdr Merge

C++ Sample Hdr Merge

Supported devices: G300 series cameras, such as Gemini G335

Function description: Demonstrate using HDR operation, display HDR processed images, and exit the program with ESC_KEY key

| This example is based on the C++High Level API for demonstration

Create a pipeline and configure the stream

// Create a pipeline with default device
ob::Pipeline pipe;

// Configure which streams to enable or disable for the Pipeline by creating a Config
std::shared_ptr<ob::Config> config = std::make_shared<ob::Config>();

std::shared_ptr<ob::VideoStreamProfile> irProfile = nullptr;
try {
    // Get all stream profiles of the ir camera, including stream resolution, frame rate, and frame format
    auto irProfiles = pipe.getStreamProfileList(OB_SENSOR_IR_LEFT);
    if(irProfiles) {
        irProfile = std::const_pointer_cast<ob::StreamProfile>(irProfiles->getProfile(OB_PROFILE_DEFAULT))->as<ob::VideoStreamProfile>();
catch(...) {
    std::cerr << "Current device is not support ir sensor!" << std::endl;

// Get all stream profiles of the depth camera, including stream resolution, frame rate, and frame format
auto                                    depthProfiles = pipe.getStreamProfileList(OB_SENSOR_DEPTH);
std::shared_ptr<ob::VideoStreamProfile> depthProfile  = nullptr;
if(depthProfiles) {
    depthProfile = std::const_pointer_cast<ob::StreamProfile>(depthProfiles->getProfile(OB_PROFILE_DEFAULT))->as<ob::VideoStreamProfile>();

Open HDR processing

// Create HdrMerage post processor
ob::HdrMerge hdrMerge;

// Open hdr merage
if(pipe.getDevice()->isPropertySupported(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, OB_PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)) {
    // Get depth exposure value range,the exposure_1 and exposure_2 in OBHdrConfig can be adjusted.
    OBIntPropertyRange depthExpRange = pipe.getDevice()->getIntPropertyRange(OB_PROP_DEPTH_EXPOSURE_INT);
    // Get depth gain value range,,the gain_1 and gain_1 in OBHdrConfig can be adjusted.
    OBIntPropertyRange depthGainRange = pipe.getDevice()->getIntPropertyRange(OB_PROP_DEPTH_GAIN_INT);

    OBHdrConfig obHdrConfig;
    uint32_t    dataSize = sizeof(OBHdrConfig);
    pipe.getDevice()->getStructuredData(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, &obHdrConfig, &dataSize);
    // open hdr
    obHdrConfig.enable = true;

    pipe.getDevice()->setStructuredData(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, &obHdrConfig, sizeof(OBHdrConfig));

Open pipeline


Get HDR processed images

auto leftIRFrame = frameSet->getFrame(OB_FRAME_IR_LEFT);
if(leftIRFrame) {

auto depthFrame = frameSet->depthFrame();
if(depthFrame != nullptr) {
    auto newFrame = hdrMerge.process(frameSet);
    auto newFrameSet = newFrame->as<ob::FrameSet>();
    if(newFrameSet) {
        depthFrame = newFrameSet->depthFrame();
        if(depthFrame) {

Close pipeline


Turn off HDR processing

if(pipe.getDevice()->isPropertySupported(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, OB_PERMISSION_READ_WRITE)) {
    OBHdrConfig obHdrConfig;
    uint32_t    dataSize = sizeof(OBHdrConfig);
    pipe.getDevice()->getStructuredData(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, &obHdrConfig, &dataSize);
    obHdrConfig.enable = false;
    pipe.getDevice()->setStructuredData(OB_STRUCT_DEPTH_HDR_CONFIG, &obHdrConfig, sizeof(OBHdrConfig));

Expected Output

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