Documentation / Gemini 330 series /
C++ Sample Depth Unit Control

C++ Sample Depth Unit Control

Function description: Demonstrate the operation of obtaining depth accuracy, display depth images, output depth accuracy, and exit the program through the ESC_KEY key

| This example is based on the C++High Level API for demonstration

Create a pipeline and stream configuration, and get devices through the pipeline

// Create a pipeline with default device
ob::Pipeline pipe;

// Get the device inside the pipeline
auto device = pipe.getDevice();

Check the way to get depth accuracy

bool changeDepthUnitFlag = false;
// check the way to adjust depth unit
    // change depth unit by adjust the depth precision level
    changeDepthUnitFlag = changeDepthUnit(device);
    // for some models (Such as G300 series), user can adjust the depth unit by adjusting the depth unit flexible adjustment property
    changeDepthUnitFlag = changeDepthUnitFlexible(device);
else {
    std::cout << "Current device not support adjust depth unit, use the default depth unit 1mm" << std::endl;
    changeDepthUnitFlag = true;

Calculate depth value

// For Y16 format depth frame, print the distance of the center pixel every 30 frames
if(depthFrame->index() % 30 == 0 && depthFrame->format() == OB_FORMAT_Y16) {
    // Convert depth values to 1mm precision
    auto rstImageData = convertDepthFrameUnitTo1mm(depthFrame);

    uint32_t  width          = depthFrame->width();
    uint32_t  height         = depthFrame->height();
    uint16_t  centerDistance =[width * height / 2 + width / 2];

    // Attention: if the distance is 0, it means that the depth camera cannot detect the object(may be out of detection range)
    std::cout << "The depth frame center value is " << centerDistance << " mm. " << std::endl;

Release resources and exit the program


Expected Output

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