Documentation / Gemini 330 series /
About Orbbec Gemini 330 series

About Orbbec Gemini 330 series

Series Introduction

The Orbbec Gemini 330 series stereo vision 3D cameras integrate Orbbec’s latest proprietary depth engine ASIC MX6800, combining active and passive stereo vision technologies for seamless operation in both indoor and outdoor conditions. By performing depth image generation and spatial alignment of depth images to color images internally, cameras in the Gemini 330 series achieve minimal data latency and significantly reduce reliance on the computing power of host computers. These cameras are preset with multiple operating modes, making them adaptable and efficient for various application scenarios. A flexible and comprehensive frame synchronization mechanism simplifies and enhances the scalability of multi-camera operations.

The Gemini 330 series continues expanding its product offerings through modular design to meet diverse application needs. This flexibility allows for options such as compact short baseline, high-precision long baseline, hardware interface suitable for specific scenarios, robust protective enclosure, and depth filter reducing glare, etc. Current models include:
—–● flagship and foundational Gemini 335 and Gemini 335L
—–● IR-enhanced Gemini 336 and Gemini 336L
—–● GMSL2/FAKRA-powered Gemini 335Lg
—–● Gigabit Ethernet with PoE-powered Gemini 335Le

Each camera in the Orbbec Gemini 330 series includes the following components:
—–● Orbbec’s latest proprietary depth engine ASIC MX6800
—–● Stereo IR Module
—–● Laser Diode Module (LDM)
—–● RGB Module
—–● Laser Ranging Module (LRM)
—–● IMU Module
—–● Orbbec SDK
—–● Wrappers (e.g., ROS1 / ROS2 / Python)

Gemini 335Lg contains an extra serializer board module to transmit GMSL2 data.

Orbbec Gemini 330 series cameras are available on Orbbec online store, which also offers a wide selection of multi-camera synchronization accessories.


Orbbec SDK

The Orbbec SDK provides low-level sensor access to Gemini 330 series cameras hardware sensors and device configuration. For more details on the Orbbec SDK, please refer to Orbbec SDK architecture.


Orbbec SDK Features

The Orbbec SDK offers the following features, ready to use on the Gemini 330 series cameras upon installation:

  • Depth camera access and mode control
  • HDR support for depth
  • Depth post-processing (e.g. decimation filter, spatial filter, disparity to depth)
  • RGB camera access and control (e.g., exposure and white balance)
  • Synchronized depth and RGB camera streams with configurable inter-camera latency
  • External device synchronization control with configurable inter-device latency offsets
  • Motion sensor (gyroscope and accelerometer) access
  • Point cloud access and control
  • Camera frame metadata access for image resolution, timestamps, etc.
  • Device calibration data access


Camera Tools

Orbbec provides the following tools:

  • Orbbec Viewer tool, used for monitoring device data streams and configuring different modes,
  • Orbbec Quality Assessment Tool, used for assessing camera depth quality.

For detailed instructions on using the Orbbec Viewer, please refer to Explore camera functions in Orbbec Viewer.


Gemini 330 Series Hardware Requirements

  • Gemini 330 series specifications


Typical scene captures using Gemini 330 series cameras

  • Outdoor performance

— Gemini 335/336

— Gemini 335L/336L/335Lg/335Le


  • Indoor performance

— Gemini 335/336

— Gemini 335L/336L/335Lg/335Le

  • Tiny objects recognition @ 2m. The tiny cubic of 3cm x 3cm (the smallest cubic on the right side of the RGB figure below) is clearly visible in point cloud.

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